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It's funny. No matter how hard you try, you can't close your heart forever. And the minute you open it up, you never know what's going to come in. But when it does, you just have to go for it! Because if you don't, there's no point in being here.
- Kirstie Alley
There is always sufficient reason for despair, but there is never sufficient purpose.
- Robert Brault
You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
- Mark Twain
Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.
- Emory Austin
For those who are poor in happiness, each time is a first time; happiness never becomes a habit.
- Marilyn Manson
In the true married relationship, the independence of husband and wife will be equal, their dependence mutual, and their obligations reciprocal.
- Lucretia Mott
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.
- Mark Twain
I try to takeit one day at a time, but sometimes several days attack me at once.
- Ashleigh Brilliant
The reason people find it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past better than it was, the present worse than it is, and the future less resolved than it will be.
- Marcel Pagnol
The one who loves himself, would atleast not worry or be jealous.
- Deep Trivedi
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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