Top Views
In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years.
- Abraham Lincoln
There is always something ridiculous about the emotions of people whom one has ceased to love.
- Oscar Wilde
You can't just wish change; you have to live the change in order for it to become a reality.
- Steve Maraboli
In life, whatever you achieve by putting in efforts will never give you happiness,
as the pain starts right from the time of making an effort. On the other hand, the
tasks that you enjoy doing, persist for long spells; then whatever you gain out of
it, the end result will always be both positive and effective for your life.
- Deep Trivedi
At any time, in any form and accepted name, if one is shorn of all attachment, that one is you alone. My Lord! You are one although variously appearing.
- Scriptures
Happiness comes from the soul’s satisfaction, not from the vital’s or body’s satisfaction.
- Sri Aurobindo
In life, no one can only be bad. Even the worst of human being has many good
qualities hidden in him. The one who only looks at the better part of people, lives
his life in utter bliss and peace.
- Deep Trivedi
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