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Tomorrow I may see (or be persuaded of) errors in my present thinking, but today I have to do the best I can.
- Francis Crick
Flashing of past or future in any form or thinking about it even for a moment...is nothing but the 'ego'.
- Deep Trivedi
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond.
- Jeffrey T. Borenstein
It's all right letting yourself go, as long as you can get yourself back.
- Mick Jagger
Worthless people live only to eat and drink; people of worth eat and drink only to live.
- Socrates
Religious people fear hell -- Spiritual people have walked through it.
- Frank Warren
Do we not realise that self-respect comes with self-reliance?
- A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Love does not alter the beloved, it alters itself.

- Søren Kierkegaard
The more we come out and do good to others, the more our hearts will be purified, and God will be in them.
- Swami Vivekananda
A youngster makes friends with an old man, and he gets a better view of life.
- Frank M. Robinson
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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