True religion is not talk, or doctrines, or theories, nor is it sectarianism. It is the relation between soul and God.
If you desire to be pure, have firm faith, and slowly go on with your devotional practices without wasting your energy in useless scriptural discussions and arguments.
Good is that which elevates the mind and evil is that which degrades the mind. Social virtue and vice are temporal entities; they have nothing to do with your relationship with the Supreme.
Appreciate fully what you are eating, enjoy it fully, breathing and smelling the aroma to add to the taste, chewing slowly and well, to taste more and to digest better. Discover the subtleties of taste. Gently keep bringing the wandering mind back to tasting fully what you’re eating. Feel the difference! Give thanks for the chance to be able to enjoy what you eat.
I think I’m an actor because I have very strong imagination and empathy; those two qualities are exactly the qualities that make for an activist.