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People will ask me: Don’t you believe in God? No, I don’t. I believe in two things above all: Nature and Love. Nature is all-powerful. Love is how I understand the good. It might have been nice to believe in God, often defined as all-powerful and good, but combining the two like that has always posed too much of a contradiction for my poor mind to believe in.

- C. George Boeree

Action may not always bring happiness, but there is no happiness without action.

- William James
Never ruin an apology with an excuse.
- Kimberly Johnson
All the knowledge possessed by science regarding the human body is based on probabilities. Whilst, many cancer patients are the ones who have abstained from tobacco lifelong...majority of the heart attacks are suffered by those who do not have high cholesterol levels.
- Deep Trivedi

The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute, the man who does not ask is a fool for life.

- Confucius

One whose knowledge is confined to books and whose wealth is in the possession of others, can use neither his knowledge nor wealth when the need for them arises.

- Chanakya
There is a limit to how much you can change to be liked for who you really are.
- Robert Brault

The mind exists in a state of “not enough” and so is always greedy for more. When you are identified with mind, you get bored and restless very easily. Boredom means the mind is hungry for more stimulus…it is not satisfied.

- Eckhart Tolle
In this world, if desires could bring any result - then there is no dearth of desires in anyone.
- Deep Trivedi

The third eye is associated with alertness and awareness. When you are alert, awake, more into knowledge, then naturally the energy has moved from the lowest chakra to the highest. You know when you are very alert and awake the sexual energy has transformed itself into a different quality of consciousness.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
The most wonderful and precious element of universe is the human life which can only be guided by the right knowledge and right attitude. So, here is an ocean of knowledge, both in English and Hindi encompassing every detail and each facet of human life which ‘one must know’ in order to grow and attain the summits of success. A team of around 200 dedicated members is working ceaselessly to turn such a colossal dream into reality. We are confident that this portal will help bring change in people across the world.

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