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You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection
- Gautama Buddha
As long as a woman can look ten years younger than her own daughter, she is perfectly satisfied.
- Oscar Wilde
Since ages, there has been a nexus between the religious heads and politicians.
None of them are artists or scientists. Still oppressing and creating conflicts
among people, both have harboured ambitions to become big from the very
beginning. It has made their union so strong that they are inseparable now.
- Deep Trivedi
Rain down your wisdom in sacred streams to carry me like an upturned leaf through the currents of this grey day.
- Prayer
Our body in Kali yuga is a field of action: As a man sows, so is his reward. Nothing by empty talk is determined: Anyone swallowing poison must die. Brother! Behold the Creator’s justice: As are a man’s actions, so is his recompense.
- Scriptures
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